Please post your information about where you can buy the curry leaf plant seedlings or even grown plant, though BLOG PAGE. this page is unable to let guest to post. (name of shop, address including name of country and other contact information should be accompanied)
Sakata no tane garden center Yokohama Yokohama Kanagawa seedling
Mona no oka Sagamihara Kanagawa seedling (currently not available)
Kokkaen Izumi Osaka seedling
Ozaki Flower Park Nerima Tokyo seedling
Nihon Kaki Kawaguchi Saitama seedling
Shanti-garden Ishigaki island Okinawa selling seed and seedling
Aozora Marche Nagoya Aichi selling seedling online shopping only
Sri Lankan restaurant yum-yum kade Hakusan Bunkyo-ku Tokyo seedling (currently not available)